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My buisness is my Passion. Working out changed my life, and I want it to change yours. This is a lifestyle for me, I wake up thinking about fitness and ways to educate myself more and more to help others. Everyone is not into fitness to have nice abs, or huge muscles. Sometimes, people just want to live a healthier life for other reasons. I have been in the same shoes as each of you. I tried all of the shortcuts to try and lose weight, I was ashamed to join a gym, and I felt as if it would take too long to get in shape so I would always give up each time. I learned that you have to be patient and it will come sooner than you know. I love helping others reach their goals, even if you just need to call me for some advice, I'm willing to give it to you. Everyone has to start from somewhere, and why not start with someone that you can relate to.... ME!!! Just be patient and watch the results happen. Any thing worth having and wanting is not easy. Lets VEST IT UP!!!!



HELP ME HELP YOU, and you will see how loyal and determined that I am. My passion is your success. 

I'll put in the dirty work, but I need your assistance. I can not stress it anymore than what I do now, You can not out train a bad diet. EAT CLEAN!!!! I might joke around a lot, but please Eat clean and stay hydrated. 



Sometimes it takes for you to come out with a friend or two to give you a push. I love my group sessions as well.

           MUSCLE TONE


WE ARE WOMEN, WE ARE STRONG, AND US WOMEN RULE!!! Its nothing wrong with a women having some muscles. 

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